From: Mmmari on Jan 05 04, 17:55
:) thank you for all the replies... I just wanted to drop a few more lines (unless i'm inspired haha...)
Some people say i have a nice job... and it's true! Haaving the chance to help other people is just wonderful!
And some people think... how lucky i am (I think that too ;) !!!) And some say they wish they had that kind of opportunities...
Hey! we can ALL help! Just think of all the people that surrounds you every day! So many people that need our help... sometimes material help (food, clothes, tools to work, ... or money), other times spiritual help (company, someone to talk, (or, if you believe in God, someone to talk about God) ...there are sooooo many people that just need a SMILE... o word of love, compassion, care, ...or maybe just to put a nice flower in a jar! So many people that are alone in hospitals, orphanatories, sanatories... We can ALL make a difference in this world! In fact, we HAVE to make a difference... or we wouldnt exist.
Some of the people i help say they are blessed to have someone to help them... I say, I'm blesses to have the chance to help others, to love others... cus, thats love huh, to give ourselfs to others, to open up to others, to don't waste alllll our time thinking in... MYself, MYproblems, MYtime, MYstuff, MYneeds, MYbellybutton...
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Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
From: Mmmari on Jan 05 04, 17:55
:) thank you for all the replies... I just wanted to drop a few more lines (unless i'm inspired haha...)
Some people say i have a nice job... and it's true! Haaving the chance to help other people is just wonderful!
And some people think... how lucky i am (I think that too ;) !!!) And some say they wish they had that kind of opportunities...
Hey! we can ALL help! Just think of all the people that surrounds you every day! So many people that need our help... sometimes material help (food, clothes, tools to work, ... or money), other times spiritual help (company, someone to talk, (or, if you believe in God, someone to talk about God) ...there are sooooo many people that just need a SMILE... o word of love, compassion, care, ...or maybe just to put a nice flower in a jar! So many people that are alone in hospitals, orphanatories, sanatories... We can ALL make a difference in this world! In fact, we HAVE to make a difference... or we wouldnt exist.
Some of the people i help say they are blessed to have someone to help them... I say, I'm blesses to have the chance to help others, to love others... cus, thats love huh, to give ourselfs to others, to open up to others, to don't waste alllll our time thinking in... MYself, MYproblems, MYtime, MYstuff, MYneeds, MYbellybutton...
:) thank you for all the replies... I just wanted to drop a few more lines (unless i'm inspired haha...)
Some people say i have a nice job... and it's true! Haaving the chance to help other people is just wonderful!
And some people think... how lucky i am (I think that too ;) !!!) And some say they wish they had that kind of opportunities...
Hey! we can ALL help! Just think of all the people that surrounds you every day! So many people that need our help... sometimes material help (food, clothes, tools to work, ... or money), other times spiritual help (company, someone to talk, (or, if you believe in God, someone to talk about God) ...there are sooooo many people that just need a SMILE... o word of love, compassion, care, ...or maybe just to put a nice flower in a jar! So many people that are alone in hospitals, orphanatories, sanatories... We can ALL make a difference in this world! In fact, we HAVE to make a difference... or we wouldnt exist.
Some of the people i help say they are blessed to have someone to help them... I say, I'm blesses to have the chance to help others, to love others... cus, thats love huh, to give ourselfs to others, to open up to others, to don't waste alllll our time thinking in... MYself, MYproblems, MYtime, MYstuff, MYneeds, MYbellybutton...
looking for friends
Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
From: on Nov 09 03, 15:06
~~Dear girls in Peru Friends are a Joy ~~
The warmest thoughts We ever send Are those that go From friend to friend. The happiest wishesWe ever make Are the wishes made For friendship's sake.The loveliest memories That we know were made With good friends Long ago.The brightest tomorrows Yet to be, We'll find in
Friendship's company.
I am flying to Brazil Peru on the 12.11.2003. I am Austrian looking for friends in Peru to share my valuable time. Please feel free to mail me.
Latin Kiss Sabina
~~Dear girls in Peru Friends are a Joy ~~
The warmest thoughts We ever send Are those that go From friend to friend. The happiest wishesWe ever make Are the wishes made For friendship's sake.The loveliest memories That we know were made With good friends Long ago.The brightest tomorrows Yet to be, We'll find in
Friendship's company.
I am flying to Brazil Peru on the 12.11.2003. I am Austrian looking for friends in Peru to share my valuable time. Please feel free to mail me.
Latin Kiss Sabina
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