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Local Talk (General Topics)

Here's where SHOEs in your area meet for a local or nationwide chat... you may also do it globally ;-)


    strMailinglistMessage2Please vote for my deisgn girls!!
    GA, ZA
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: gieny on Apr 06 14, 21:47

    Hi Peeps!

    I'm from South Africa and I entered into a competition run by Grolsch.

    I had to design an image for the top of their limited edition drinking glasses.

    Four of my deigns made it into the top 25. So now I need all the votes I can get from today until the 13th April. Please vote once a day for any one of the three on the left hand side...between number 10, 11 and 12.

    I need as many votes as I can get and imagine..we could be seeing my design on the Grolsch glass!

    Please got to:, click on one of the 3 designs I mentioned then enter your email address at the bottom and click submit.

    I really appreciate each and every single vote. Thanks guys!!  
    strMailinglistMessage2Namibia, Botswana or SouthAfrica
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: Astroid on Aug 30 13, 12:16

    Dear fellow shoes, especialy those in Namibia, Botswana or SouthAfrica,

    I will be visiting these countrys this december till februari next year and would like to meet up with the incrowd!
    Have any tips on where we (my wife and I) MUST go or know a great spot to stay?
    Please let me know!
    Would be fun to meet up and in return when you visit Amsterdam you already know two great galls :-D

    Love to hear from yous.

    Astrid from Amsterdam  
    strMailinglistMessage2Pupils in South Africa
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: witzboldin on Sep 10 07, 22:20

    hey there!!
    me and some of my classmates have a project (or a task...) in our english A-level-class...we have to get in touch with a school or a pupil at a school in south africa so that we can tell our class how school's in south africa nowadays. i'd be so happy and thankful if somebody would write me and tell us something about it.
    hope to hear from you
    strMailinglistMessage0HI LADIES
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: on Feb 14 05, 09:17

    Happy Valentines Day girls
    may your day be full of loovve and romance

    strMailinglistMessage0hi there ladies
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: on Jan 29 05, 22:02

    any beautiful south african shoes out there - garden route, george, knysna plet area? OR any were else

    stuur vir ons mail, wie jy is, wat jy maak...
    ons wil jou graag ontmoed!!!

    have a lekka weekend
    kari & jax
    strMailinglistMessage0vroue van afrika
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: on Jan 22 05, 23:33

    hi daar
    ek en my meisie wil graag kontak maak met shoes in suid afrika. Sommer maar net bietjie gesels oor allerdaagse gay dinge in ons onmoontlike maar mooi land. vriende te maak en miskien ontmoetings te reel.
    asb, laat hoor van jou.
    jax & kari

    strMailinglistMessage0Hello Girls Love Lovve and Friendship
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: on Dec 27 04, 00:27

    Hello Girls

    I am looking for a very good friendship first, as well as for a caring loving relationship.

    I am living in the city of Sao Paulo in Brasil.

    I am strong like an Oak tree and sensitive like a baby. I see the world with the eyes of a child. I believe in angels and fairies. I adore oriental philosophy.(India China)

    I like Chi Gong and ( Marshal Art in general), Astrology Painting and Fotography.

    I love Travelling especially to lesser frequetned countries , to remote peaceful areas as well as international cities.

    I love vegetarian food .

    I am a lady with care and humility. Someone you can count.

    I will enrich your life make you lough give you pleasure , happyness and peace. I admit I am not an angel and not the most easy girl , but I have very good intentions.

    My heart is big an my mind ful of understanding, Lough and cry with me , I am hear waiting for you.
    I do consulting- counceling , I am a researcher, artist and astrologer.

    I am 45 years young and life evry day to the best of my ability.
    Everyone is invited to write me, prefarable ladies between 35 and 50.

    All my Love and Care to all of you
    Divine Love

    strMailinglistMessage2Cape Town
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: Shade13 on Apr 30 04, 10:19

    Hello all
    Just wanted to know about Cape Town - I will be moving there soon (3 weeks from now) to be with my girl.

    Can anyone recommend places to go to that will accept us as a lesbian couple? I get the feeling CT is very clicky and difficult to make friends - and we would love to make new friend together and build relationships with other couples.

    Please mail me at [email protected] - Any feedback is welcomed.

    A fellow South African 
    strMailinglistMessage0Cape Town
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: Shade13 on Apr 30 04, 10:19

    Hello all
    Just wanted to know about Cape Town - I will be moving there soon (3 weeks from now) to be with my girl.

    Can anyone recommend places to go to that will accept us as a lesbian couple? I get the feeling CT is very clicky and difficult to make friends - and we would love to make new friend together and build relationships with other couples.

    Please mail me at [email protected] - Any feedback is welcomed.

    A fellow South African 
    strMailinglistMessage0voluntarywork+residence permit
    Category: Local Talk (General Topics) | Language: E
    From: on Jan 17 04, 11:02

    hi! i´m austrian, going to capetown in march and already looking for a possibility to stay in the cape area for one year. would appreciate all your advice and help on this matter. thank you! 
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