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LGBT Organisations

Misc. LGBT Organisations are presenting themselves here. Anyone missing? Submit them yourself.

Note: Only english messages are shown here. There are 103 messages in german in this category.

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    strMailinglistMessage0The Lesbian Federation
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: JenniOlsonSF on Jun 15 16, 03:02

    The Lesbian Federation Facebook list is a handy Facebook feed of national and international lesbian organizations, media, websites and companies (a nice way to see at a glance what's going on in the lesbian world). It's easy to click thru on the link below and follow the list (don't worry it doesn't add them all to your regular Facebook feed, just adds the link to your Interests section in the lower left of your page). Enjoy and please SHARE! 
    strMailinglistMessage0LGBT Charity/Organisation
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: thekid127 on Sep 05 15, 05:29

    Greetings fellow LGBT'ers!
    I just wanted to let everybody know about a new
    LGBT friendly charity organisation called:
    We are looking for volunteers as well as financial
    contributors to help fund global Peace building projects
    around the world!
    If you find it in your means to help us in our mission,
    you will receive a beautiful "peace shirt" as pictured
    On our project page:
    Thank you for listening and hope to hear from you soon. 
    OH, US
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: womenswarehousemusic on Oct 17 14, 15:38

    I have taken the time to send each friend an individual message to clue everyone in on my newest/latest project. If you have not seen all of the hype already or do not accept event invites, maybe you are unaware that my partner and I have started a non profit organization for women in music, and we are spending every nickle and dime to further our org by obtaining our 501(c)3. (I will make this brief as many of us are busy busy bees, cheers to you for being a hard worker!) If YOU could do me the biggest and most honorable favor by simply sharing my link on your page or checking out our movement, YOU too will be the foundation and building blocks of this entire operation. I want to personally thank you for your support!!!! Without faith in ourselves, our friends, and our families, everything else is a stand alone project. Thank you for your time


    strMailinglistMessage2LGBT counseling private practice-Columbus, Ohio
    OH, US
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: mgluciano77 on Aug 07 14, 00:49

    Hello LGBT Family,
    I'd like to ask a favor of all of you. I am planning on starting a counseling practice in the Columbus area w/ focus on LGBT clients, particularly youth. I'm throwing around some ideas for the name of my business and I'd like your opinion on each:
    Total Acceptance Counseling Services
    As-You-Are counseling
    Acceptance Counseling
    La Paz Counseling Services (also planning on targeting Hispanics b/c I speak Spanish)
    Free-To-Be Counseling

    What do you think about when you see each name?

    I would really, really appreciate your feedback!!!! :) THANK YOU! 
    strMailinglistMessage0Lesbian Connection - the FREE worldwide magazine for lesbians!
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: LesbianConnection on Feb 03 14, 18:51


    I'm trying to get the word out to lesbians everywhere about our free lesbian magazine! Lesbian Connection is a free worldwide magazine, by, for and about lesbians. We've been publishing since 1974, and we mail each issue in a discreet brown envelope (the word "lesbian" does not appear anywhere on the outside).

    Our magazine is a grassroots forum, which means that it's written by our readers. You'll find travel resources, lesbian B&Bs and guesthouses, lesbian festivals, cruises, conferences, land communities, reviews of lesbian books, movies, and music, and more! You'll also find articles and letters on whatever LC readers are talking about - from relationships and coming out to pets, gardens, news and current events.

    So, if you're a lesbian and you'd like to start receiving LC, visit to sign up! We hope to hear from you soon, and please tell all of your lesbian friends about our free magazine!

    For LC,
    strMailinglistMessage2Organisation for gay youth in Montreal
    QC, CA
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: EliseL on Jan 16 12, 03:08

    Hi, I'm giving you links for three organisations to help gay youth in Montreal.

    Project 10: (which is a drop-in where you can meet and make friends)

    Jeunesse Lambda: (French organisation. It's a place where there are discussions groups every Friday night, for gay lesbian bisexual or questionning themselves, open for people from 14 to 25 yrs old)

    MYCAH (Montreal Youth Coalition Against Homophobia) 
    strMailinglistMessage0London Lesbian/Gay Switchboard
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: neka on Jan 14 11, 01:13

    London Lesbian/Gay Switchboard

    London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard (LLGS) provides an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men, bisexual, trans people and anyone who needs to consider issues around their sexuality.

    All volunteers identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, so you know that the person answering the telephone will have an understanding of your situation. Our volunteers won't judge you or tell you what to do. They will, though, provide suitable support, offer appropriate information and discuss relevant options.

    The helpline operates from 10am to 11pm, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Our helpline number is 020 7837 7324.

    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: neka on Jan 14 11, 01:00

    Stonewall is the national civil rights group working for legal equality and social justice for
    lesbians, gay men and bisexuals.


    Tower Building
    York Road
    London SE1 7NX

    Info Line: 08000 50 20 20 (Mon-Fri 9:30am to 5:30pm)
    For all information and resource requests and enquiries about Stonewall.
    Office (admin): 020 7593 1850
    Fax: 020 7593 1877
    Minicom: 020 7633 0759
    Email: [email protected]

    * Please note that Stonewall do not run drop-in advice sessions.

    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: neka on Jan 14 11, 01:00



    Direct action group

    About OutRage!

    OutRage! is a broad based group of queers committed to radical, non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to:

    * ASSERT the dignity and human rights of queers;
    * FIGHT homophobia, discrimination and violence directed against us;
    * AFFIRM our right to sexual freedom, choice and self-determination.

    OutRage! gets no grants and has no rich benefactors. We depend entirely on donations from people like you. None of us get paid. We are all volunteers. OutRage! doesn’t even have an office. This means that all our money goes on fighting homophobia. With a bit more money, we could do much more. Please send your millions (or just a few pounds), making cheques payable to OutRage!, to: OutRage!, P.O. Box 17816, London SW14 8WT; 
    strMailinglistMessage0Grupo de Lesbianas de Baleares
    Category: LGBT Organisations | Language: E
    From: mujer2 on Dec 23 02, 01:00

    Grupo de Lesbianas de Baleares

    C/ Rosa,3
    07003 Palma

    Phone: 971-227282
    Fax: 971-227283
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    lesbenvereinigung der inseln balearen

    info jeder art ( nur in spanisch)

    wöchentliche treffen und tips

    eigene zeitschrift mit info über die lesbenbewegungen in spanien
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