From: rebeccadarling1 on Dec 02 11, 08:35
Hey everyone,
My name is Rebecca but I go by whatever you fancy. I'm really searching for some people to talk to. I live in Anchorage, Alaska and I have a terribly hard time meeting other lesbians. This is a very diverse town and I have tons of gay friends, but I only meet another lesbian every once in awhile and it doesn't mean we click just because we have the same gender preference. It gets very lonely and sometimes I feel so different because of it. Not different in the special snowflake kind of way. Different in a lonely way.
I've been through a lot of hard times, most of it being self inflicted because of substance abuse. I've recovered of course and am now working and thriving. I will be starting college in January. I'm always on the path to better myself.
I'm twenty years old, vegan and absolutely in love with hula hooping and hoop dance. I'm a bit overweight but I know tons about health and fitness and am working on being more confident in my own skin. I exercise in my hula hoop every day and I eat relatively clean. I do enjoy talking about health but it's not all I am.
I guess I'm just asking people to get to know me.
Hope to hear from from lovely ladies soon!
P.S. I sometimes have a dark sense of humor, but I'm not a cynic or an angry person. I used to be a 'goth kid' in highschool and for some of my adult life. I still love those creepy, crawly things today. B-movies, The Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13, black eyeshadow. All that special stuff. ;)
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